Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Truth About Feminism and Domestic Violence

I wish we could get our legal system to believe this!! But no, thanks to the feminists of the Duluth Model of 1981 for convincing the nation that women and children don't need husbands and fathers. "According to the Duluth Model, 'women and children are vulnerable to violence because of their UNEQUAL social, economic, and political status in society.'" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duluth_model) God already said that we're all equal, so they're renouncing God and lying to all of mankind, and also stereotyping based on gender and physical size. The way to "right" this "wrong" according to feminists, is for the woman to exercise a stronger social, economic, and political status in opposition to the man, and to teach her female children to do so as well. As always, God never enters into the mindset or ideology. A women is apt to think, "in order to right God's wrong that I'm in all ways less than my man (according to my perception), I need to stand up to him and fight him back. I can use police and lawyers and women-only social and business groups to show myself to be stronger than him. Then when I think he's learned his lesson, we'll be 'equal.' Shame on our past Christian culture, and shame on God for making that man think he was the head of anything. We'll be equal when I, and only I, think we're equal, not because God SAYS we're equal." Additionally, if a man buys into this garbage, he is likely to treat the woman not as a woman, but as his exact mirror-image equal: another man. When men lose it, they often degrade to blows with one another. And if that should happen to him with his woman, he fulfills the fears and lies of feminism that she's been looking for, and she ramps up her legal defenses and police action against him, who in turn are happy to oblige her because they believe the same thing. And the whole relationship spirals downward. The solution? Daily repentance and humbly seeking the Lord, Jesus Christ, who makes all things new, and puts things back in order! :)

Anonymous feedback:" I think you turned a really positive picture completely negative."

My response:
Sorry if it stirs up negative feelings. :( This is the trick of the devil that has almost destroyed my life and relationship with my kids. I studied this in college and have become very familiar with the feminist movement, including the satanic upper echelons. I know it sounds to some people like I hate all women because I'm an anti-feminist, but that's a simplistic view that's not even worthy of comment. This feminism ideology is not about the right to vote and earn equal pay. It's about defying God's divine order in the world, and ultimately, it's about power and control. It hurts a lot and I'd love to see society change its court system to a model that supports BOTH parents. Some states are experimenting with other models besides this one, but it hasn't happened on a grand scale yet. If women feel inferior to men, they're hanging around the wrong men, and they should get more aquainted with their true identity in Christ. The Bride of Christ, the church submits (or should submit) to Christ in everything, and whenever we do, we left feeling great about ourselves because He gave up everything for us. That's Love! In marriage we manifest that Christ-Church relationship and take on similar roles. Women love men who give their all to win their love, and men love women who honor and respect them. But woman's antipathy for man comes from the curse that God gave when man sinned in Genesis: "Your desire shall be for your husband and he shall rule over you." The original Hebrew text does not indicate a desire to be with him and love him, it's a desire to DEVOUR him. It's God's curse on woman because of the Fall, it's not a blessing. Man's curse is that all his work will be very difficult and often with little result. The redemption is found in God's grace through Christ's death on the cross for His bride, the Church. I should ask you, did you read the whole comment? And aren't you a Christian? I think you are, and you would know that the only solution to our sinful nature is Christ's sacrifical death for our sins. We can't fix ourselves even if we try. My post is law and Gospel. It's a hard lesson with an easy, wonderful answer to the problem! Ideas take about 4-5 years to become present-day reality, so in about 2017 I think we'll start seeing new models pervade family court and domestic law enforcement.

Friday, August 30, 2013

FAQ About Family Court

Hello! I just thought I would post my questions and answers here in case they would be helpful to anyone.

Just right-click on the blue band at the bottom and select "full screen."

I have LegalShield, and at $17 a month they have been well worth the price! These are my questions and the answers they have given me. I highly recommend you sign up with LegalShield so you can get legal advice about anything. Please sign up through me, and I'll help you get started.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Marriage Is the Unity of Christ And the Church

Undoubedly, the world is trying to teach us if we do not accept two men or two women as a legitimate marriage, we are bigoted, foolish, and insecure.

Marriage is much easier to understand when seen as the perfect image of Christ's marriage to His bride, the church.

God created marriage to be a mannifesation of His relationship with us. He wanted us to be one with him, just as He and the Father are one. We are one as man and woman, just as we are one with Him. The woman submits to the man as the church submits to Christ. Man lays down his life for his bride just as Christ lays down his life for the church. It's odd to think of the woman as having authority over the man, just as it is odd to think of the church as having authority over Christ.

Physically, water gives life. Dead bodies are dried up and hard. Living things have water in them, are soft and fluid. The woman's body submits to the man's body, who comes into her and gives her his fluid. She can't receive it of her own free will. Similarly, the church submits to the Living Water, which produces spiritual life within the body of the church. The church cannot save itself, or give life to itself of its own free will. It is the will of God that Salvation and new life come into us.

Every miniscule nuance that can be seen between a husband and wife can be seen in the relationship between Christ and His bride, the church.

Please give me some suggestions of peculiarities in marriage, and I'll show you how that aspect of marriage is realized spiritually between Christ and the church.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

State-Sponsered Indoctrination For People Who Want Guns

"A Florida legislator wants anyone trying to buy ammunition to complete an anger management program first, in what critics say is the latest example of local lawmakers reaching for constitutionally-dubious solutions to the problem of gun violence."

Published March 06, 2013

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/03/06/florida-lawmaker-wants-anger-management-courses-for-ammunition-buyers/?test=latestnews?test=latestnews#ixzz2MsrfXbAk

This is just one legislator proposing his or her ideas. Hopefully, this won't be put into law. What is really sad about this is what I discovered when going through state-sponsered anger mangement classes. These state-sponsered anger management programs are based on  Feminism, more specifically the Deluth Model, and Feminism actually yields violence.

Feminism actually tries to teach men to treat women more like men, and erase gender inequality. But if a man tries to erase gender inequality from his mind, does he see the woman as a man, or does he act more like a woman himself? Sadly, men try to accommodate for Feminism both ways. The ideology also teaches that men are inherently prone to violence against women because men are physically larger. But men often resort to violence when in conflict with another man.

God has given both genders equal rights to the Kingdom of Heaven, and gives each of them equally rewarding and fulfilling roles on earth. There are many ways that men and women can share in the same tasks here on Earth, but many ways in which they can't. Childbirth is the most ovbvious example, and leadership at church also comes to mind, according to many passages in the New Testament. I know that many Christians who also try to embrace Feminism will hate to hear that, but the Bible is very clear about male leadership at church, and we should try to understand why, not ignore it.

In my time in the anger management programs, I actually felt less sensitive and compassionate toward my wife, and more temptation to argue with her, expecially in proving her wrong. I felt that I was recently armed with valuable insight from my anger management counselor, and that my wife needed a lesson. I also remember the temptation that since I presumed she already knew this - because I had to take the class and not her - then it wouldn't be a problem to say it sternly, or with punishing words.

In the two examples that I give of gender inequality, the female example is the utmost of our carnal experience on Earth, and the male example is the utmost of our spiritual earthly experience. Both the spiritual and carnal are part of being a human being.

Lastly, I would like to add that Feminism is a wordly response to a spiritual problem. When faith weakens, the world reacts in all kinds of weird ways. They don't have direction. But God uses the shake-up to strengthen the Elect and show His glory. We know from Matthew 24 that the world is a very wicked, evil place at the end, and we are always progressing (liberal action word) toward that end. The right response is repentance, pouring out the heart, seeking the Lord's face with a humble heart. He said that he will hear from Heaven, heal us, and heal our land! There are always good blessings in store for the ones who are meek and humble in the Lord!